
The Programs of Thanksgiving Week

This Week’s Program: Nov 23 - Nov 27

Happy Thanksgiving! Going to keep it brief, because it’s Black Friday and oh those deals. Not going to show any commits. Bit of a breakthrough week. Feels like I’ve gotten a grasp of some of the fundamental principles of these systems. Mostly, the relationship between Leiningen, nREPL, and CIDER. I feel like I’m getting a real grasp of getting feedback and being productive in Clojure.

So this week I’m thankful for these folks (and some of their great talks):

  • Rich Hickey, the author of Clojure.
  • Sam Aaron, a contributor to Overtone, and the creator of Sonic Pi. This talk of his is something I’ve been watching on repeat. It’s really good.
  • David Nolen, a prolific developer in the Clojure community and the creator of Om. This recent talk of his powers through a huge number of concepts that are hugely impressive and I’m so excited about the future of UI programming with David’s thought leadership.

Next week will be great.

🍃🍂 Mark