
The Programs of a Week in June

This Week’s Program: June 6 - June 10

When AWS makes you feel like a wizard.
When you have forgotten that January blizzard.
When Hacker News has your career reconsidered.
That summer feeling is gonna haunt you one day in your life.

Thanks to everyone who sent in well-wishes last week! This week was slow in code but dense in learning.


I added a tag to my sonic-sketches API. This is just a bit of metadata that will come into play later.


I add the default appspec.yml template for AWS CodeDeploy. This little YAML file will eventually be used to deploy the latest sonic-sketches revision onto the EC2 instance built by Packer. I’m still acting at the very edge of my knowledge so I’m not entirely sure how all of this will string together, but what’s another YAML file amongst friends?


I add yaml-mode to my Emacs configuration. Why isn’t everything just Lisp?


I turned my attention then to AWS CloudFormation, which can use that metadata tag to bring up a whole “cloud” of its own. So far, the sonic-sketches cloud requires EC2, S3, potentially CloudDeploy, potentially Lambda, and potentially other things. I can group all of these resources together in a formation (🍋). As I’m learning, I stub out a CloudFormation template, similar to how I did with CloudDeploy.


GitHub recently announced that its hosted pages will now be served over https. That’s cool. I’m not immediately affected by that but I use this opportunity to remove Typekit from http://markwunsch.com. I think Typekit is super great, but I want my site to be as fast as can be, and I wasn’t using the serif it was pulling in as much as I thought I would have. This is a subtle change but I really like it.


I also change the font-size a bit on mobile breakpoints, mostly to make sure that the site looks good on an iPad split screen view, which I utilize a lot.

See you next week. Enjoy that summer feeling!

🐝 Mark