
The Programs of the Week of a Polar Vortex

This Week’s Program: Dec 12 - Dec 16

Good evening. An Arctic blast has come and the temperatures have dropped in New York City. As the weather chills here, my velocity and enthusiasm for hive-city does likewise. Progress this week in code was quite slow as I do my best to enjoy the last remaining weeks of 2016.


hive-city is a 2-player game. This commit introduces a color state for each Player. I move the view of the Gang into the Player module and pass the Player’s color into the fill attribute of the SVG g element.


Within my refactoring effort: the Game module, I set Player 2’s color to red. I implement the new Player.gangView function within the SVG output of the Main view function. In the Model module I have the fill color “inherit” from the Player.


Back in the original GameState, I used a Random.generate call to populate the game with a Gang. Now that I have two Players and two Gangs, I introduce a Game.generator into my refactoring. This will return a Generator Game and will randomly generate two gangs for each player. I use the uncurry function to wire Random.map2 to be able to accept a pair. Fancy functional programming!


Just for kicks and to verify that this works, I pull my new Game module into my old GameState model and have it generate the players. I look into the Elm debugger and lo and behold it works!

I’m slowly moving more and more functionality into the new Game module. I think I might be done with that by the time this year is over, and I’ll be moving on from this project.

Stay warm,
❄ Mark